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Crazy things heard by a Coach...use that coach term loosely!

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by SRRaiders, May 12, 2010.

  1. SRRaiders

    SRRaiders Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 3, 2007
    OK..this will probably be locked as soon as it hits..thats ok..need to speak my mind...heard a few comments at a recent game...not sure these are needed in the game..of course just my opinion..that's why I posted..whats your opinion...
    To get you up to speed...8,9,or 10-1 game..Superior team in control..

    1)After going up several runs..guy at third base..sorry can't refer to him as a coach..disgrace to the postion...tells team..hey pick it up..I want 20 on that board...OK...put it away early...I can live with that one...

    2) Later in the game..opposing team's shortstop takes bad hop of the face..ball shoots over to 3rd base foul line...3rd baseman goes after ball..SS drops glove and grabs face..not sure if it's her nose,mouth,eye..all I hear is the guy at third upset with his baserunner for stopping..or course 1 or 2 runs had already crossed while we try to get the ball back in and ck on our player...OK stay aggressive??..yea mabe in a 1 or 2 run game...

    3)bases loaded..2 outs..ball hit back to pitcher..pitcher decides to come home with it..catcher pops up and makes play...inning over..except guy at third tells runner..next time that catcher stands up like that you better go in with cleats shining...and take her out....10-1 game??? 1 or 2 run game maybe and even at that it wasn't a tag play.. I understand going in hard in the right situation...

    4)and one I was told about later...the guy at third tells batter to take that pitch off the pitchers mask...take it up the middle??..yea maybe...no not off the mask..pitchers mom still fuming...

    Well, I said my peace...probably get banned..don't really care. Whats your opinion...Would you be upset. Let me say though, that there are still some really good people associated with that program, but when someone wants it to be more about him that the kids...not needed..he's just a tournament coach with a bad disposition...of course I just received word he got what he had coming tonight...should have saved some of those runs from the last game genius!

  2. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    What you have described goes against every tenet of coaching. It's sad really!
    I have no use for poor sportsmanship. It's one thing going off in the heat of the moment---this obviously is not the case.
  3. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC

    this person does not need to be involved with our sport....
    Hopefully, this person will fade away....

    very disappointing and sad....
  4. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

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    Mar 25, 2007
    AAAWWWWWWW! Ya'll missed a classic Fishman post.

    I got kicked out by virtue of time constraints computer wise.

    Probably a good thing.

    In a nutshell, heres my take.....OK, so some SOB coach shows his A$S and everyone wants to sock him in the nose.

    As much as I feel for ya folks, losing your temper and showing your A$S is no better, and a bloody nose will stop bleeding but your broken hand will hurt for 6 weeks.

    Raise the bar for our kids by setting an example of emotional control.

    Dr. Fish
  5. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    not even considered for banning. you followed the basic rules of not mentioning names, teams, etc. this is truely a sad situation for everyone involved. unfortunately, i see it more and more in hs ball and a heck of a lot more in tb now adays. this is a point that needs to be discussed by all, problem is we dont have a governing body in hs or tb that could take care of this situation. i have in the past witnessed these kind of coaches just lose players because the girls and parents begin to see through this and realize its not a good experience for their dd's to be in. what does it really teach them??


  6. scal

    scal Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 28, 2008
    the forbidden zone...
    Fish....why does it always fall on the parent? Are good relationships a two way street? HS coaches are at the mercy of the talent that walks through the door, and the ones like us spend a tremendous amount of time, money, and energy getting our kids up to a playing level to give them a chance to do something very few kids get to do, and some coach is out there jerking them around and we are supposed to raise the bar???

    Trying to be nice never got anyone anywhere, but you get in someones face and all of a sudden they take notice while you become this bad parent ruining a kid and showing your a$s.

    If it wasn't for what we do for our kids and what we bring to programs coaches wouldn't have any kids. You'd think they'd appreciate it more.

    I was under the impression that Rec feeds MS, MS feeds HS, TB feeds college, and coaches and parents work together to get kids to the next level who want it and are committed to it. But that's not always the case.

    Not saying parents should run a team, but if a coach doesn't know where their bread is buttered then what's the point in making the commitment?

    Everytime I see or hear of some numbskull coach do something like this it just validates that not all parents are wrong in sticking up for their kids. Maybe if we parents had a fit more often it would weed some coaches out of softball INSTEAD of good committed parents with talented kids.
    Last edited: May 13, 2010
  7. breakwater

    breakwater Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 15, 2007
    Things that make you go hmmm. And this has nothing to do with the other little thing. Still think you made the correct choice. Some of these comments are from great softball minds. Karma. To most this makes no sense, to a few it says it all.
  8. breezy's dad

    breezy's dad Member

    Likes Received:
    May 9, 2009
    Where Champions Are Made,NC
    Its amazing how quickly we forget our humble beginnings. These comments are simply ridiculous but I hope this coach knows that life is a funny thing and they way you treat people has a funny way of coming back full circle.
  9. erms

    erms Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 17, 2006
    I agree......but......in a hs program....this is a issue reflective of the school.....sounds like an immediate administrative issue. JMHO
  10. scal

    scal Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 28, 2008
    the forbidden zone...
    One time I had a run in with a person and I felt really bad about it, so bad that I went to my Pastor and told him. He told me that sometimes you have to stick up for what you believe to be the truth and if you feel in you heart that it is the truth then you speak your mind.

    Whether people agree or not defending what you believe to be right is one of the crosses we bare in life, but don't ever try and tell a coach that.

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